H5 Vision Mapping Session


Giving the great idea the Starting opportunity for Success.Breathing life into your great idea!

The starting point for Clarity, Empowerment & Success’s, Vision mapping is a critically important step in Success. Most know a version of how to vision map, but how many actually start with that Key step. Alternatively, if so how many that do, do it correctly for maximum empowerment and benefits as a result? The H5 Vision Mapping Processes are Strategic sessions of specific discussions, leading discovery questions creating and interaction environments and sessions presenting dialog to develop clarity then applying the High Five Priority Business Mapping ™ © process and software to illustrate a tangible H5 Vision with Focus Main and Key Topics identified and ready to advance to next step/levels of H5.

This practice of H5-Vision Mapping ™ is such an important part of clarifying the visual aspect of the dream, idea or vision keeping it fresh into the forefront, utilizing this process at all intentions and objectives. Thinking through the Outcome from the conditions, resources and needs. Which is the beginning stages of creating the illustration from the idea in your mind, concept or mental picture.
From these discussions, we input the information into the software and create illustrations Known as vision maps. Then can expand them through the High 5 process by empowering them with identifying key topics and empowering them with SMART goals and action steps and schedules and more.

Take advantage of High Five Priority Business Mapping™!