Our mission at Maes and Associates, LLC…

At Maes and Associates, we utilize the strength, values and benefits of the High Five Priority Business Mapping ™ in order to train, educate, empower, implement, and equip business owners, leaders and entrepreneurs with the best practices of business found in the H5 System™. Whether you are a start-up or a seasoned professional, High Five Priority Business Mapping™ will prepare you for success now and into the future and most importantly, take you to the next level.

We clarify & accomplish

The now conditions and challenges

The short term goals and successes

The big picture for long-term profitability and sustainability

Upcoming Events

How long has the business world been waiting for the resources to enable nearly anyone to be successful in business? Simple answer… Far too long! Harness and align your dreams and goals with access to the H5™ resources and your newly developed, and honed in, capabilities. You have all that you need to accomplish all you desire. Make the Effort!

Client Memberships

Maes and Associates have been solving business challenges for over 30 years. H5 Business structure, processes and measurables transform your vision into outcomes. Today, we can make a difference in your business. Contact us.

Consulting Services

You are just a click away from the success you’ve always hoped for!  Find the way to your dreams… Click here to start or continue the journey of your life… Literally!

Speaker Services

As a speaker resource you’re sure to captivate your audiences with Mark Maes’ eloquently stated, simply formatted speaking style. Mark is able to speak to any business, group, or target market and bring wisdom, insight and solutions that are born of the rich experience he has gleaned from his personal experience with small start-ups to global impact corporations. Guaranteed to empower your audience, and your Brand.
Here are some of the Topics Mark can illuminate in his one of a kind, engaging style.

Mastermind Groups

Do you ever feel like you’re the only one who can do all your company needs, and it’s just not enough? Seems like the success you had imagined for your business is just out of reach?. H5 CEO Mastermind Groups is a team of professionals, all working to develop real visions for their businesses. This “Think Tank” format leads to success for all in an enjoyable and informative forum.


The Five Departments of Business


Are you missing the gre at benefits and opportunities of internet and social media Marketing? Are there so many choices and so many changes you are not sure what best to do? In addition, with the current COVID virus impact are your Marketing needs for….


H5 Sales methodology, processes, and forms change the game of business. Being able to be specific and deliberate about what you want. 1 Vision 1 plan, aligning people teams and resources working together. Empowering the horsepower and synergies of success.


Are you tired of not having enough money to pay the billings? Are you unable to proactively manage your cash flow and take advantage of discounts? Are you missing opportunities because you cannot afford to
fund the costs? The finance function of your business


Operations typically manages 70 – 80 % of the cost in a business and this is where we fulfill the sale. However more often than not, business overlook a tremendous amount of opportunities and profits in their business in this department. It comes in missed opportunities with their, people…


Business Fail most often because they fail to have a plan. Highest percentage of businesses fail because they don’t clarify their Vision and Purpose to the degree that it empowers and fuels the desires and passions of the people and teams. Statistics prove that most businesses fail…

Three Principles of Success


With all the pressures, changes, trials and uncertainties in the world, life and business. People have lost their Hope their Passions for the future. With so many changes, new demands requirements comfort has become fear


Leadership is not management and management is not leadership. Both are needed but have different roles, functions and expectations. So often leadership has not been afforded the specifics, consistent and measurable expectations that is expected of the leaders.


The Greatest Assets a business can ever have is a passionate workforce. We will educate and train and empower the attendee’s On how to be deliberate about identifying, modeling and implementing the Culture for their success as they identify.

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Maes and Associates

16760 Lake Knoll Parkway Riverside, CA USA

(951) 785-9000


Contact Mark

Take advantage of High Five Priority Business Mapping™!