M.E.A. – Military Executive Academy?

$489.00 – $1,799.00
This High Power Business program has been developed for our U.S. Veterans. As we know our Veterans have special training, gifts ad Talents, and experiences that far exceed that of normal life skills. We embrace that and clarify individual understandings, conditions, talents, and intentions right from the beginning and we develop plans and resources right for their needs.
We educated and train these military professionals for the next level of civilian business at the executive and ownership levels. Breaking down the facts and Best Practices of business. Program 1, The What of business. Breaking down the facts and details of the 5 departments of business and why that is so important. Program 2 is The How: Vision through Outcome behavior, leadership, and management are critically important to the efficiency and long-term sustainability with Profitability. Understanding the great benefits of intentional behavior and how important it is to overall success and business. From Vision through outcome. Methodology, processes, procedure, forms, and measurables.
These online business courses are strategy set up to maximum time management with applicable understanding, and real-time practice and implementation that will forever empower and deliver your dreams and successes identified.
Breaking down the facts and details of each of the H5 departments of the business. Marketing, Sales, Finance, Operations, Growth. Along with the what and why this insight is so important in business.
As in part 2 the How: we breakdown down all steps, process procedure forms, and methods required for people, teams, Business performances, and Success.